How to Use Pinterest For your Product Based Business

Chances are if you found this blog post, then you run a product-based business and want to know if Pinterest is worth it for your product-based business. Let me go on and say straight off the bat that you're making an excellent choice by investigating Pinterest as part of your digital marketing strategy. 

This blog post will go over the big picture of how Pinterest can work for your product-based business. 

Take the focus off your products

Far too often, product-based businesses focus only on pinning the products they sell and fall short on serving their audience. This can come across as promoting yourself too much and could even turn potential customers away. You're essentially not focusing on the clients but instead using the platform in a self-serving way. 

So what should you be pinning as a product-based business

Think about creating content around what you sell, not just about what you sell. For example, you could think about showing your products in your client's homes or how your clients are personally using your products. Create a story around what it is you are selling. Share yourself in real life, so your customers can envision how they can fit it into theirs. 

Pinterest Inspiration 

Show people how they can use your products in new ways. Pinterest's most popular pins are based around food, fashion, and home decor. Think of creating content that would appeal to your audience within those three categories - and you'll be on a winning track. 

Consider creating tutorials and videos on how to use what you're selling

What value can you offer your audience by creating a tutorial that solves a pain point for your client? Instead of just selling your products, you'll be creating educational content that solves a problem and offers your product as a solution. Think about it, what does your ideal client need help with… Keep in mind, people are going onto Pinterest to search for answers. 

Pinterest board ideas for your product-based business

  • Seasonal 

  • Client-focused (you can even create group boards where you invite clients to participate)

  • Educational boards showing how your product solves a problem

  • Inspirational boards that show your product in a different way

SEO + product-based business

Be sure your descriptions are keyword-rich. Dissect each product pin and think about what your ideal audience is searching for and who would be buying it. What keywords are customers searching for when looking for products such as yours. 

Have you considered handing over your Pinterest marketing to a pro? Let me tell you, the peace of mind is priceless. Interested? Book a discovery call!


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