Pinterest SEO Keyword Research & Planning

 Since Pinterest is a visual search and discovery engine, the words you use can be as powerful as the images you share. According to Pinterest “Keyword targeting lets you reach people as they search for a specific idea on Pinterest.”

If you are familiar with keywording on other platforms you may be looking for a spreadsheet list of hyper specific keywords, but that isn't how things roll on Pinterest.


Where to find Pinterest keywords? 

On Pinterest, search terms come from a combination of manually searching for keywords through different methods. Here are a few I can suggest:

1. Pinterest Search Bar

When you search on Pinterest, you’ll see suggested search terms appear in a dropdown menu as you type. These suggested keywords may include some viable keyword options that you hadn’t thought about using yet. If there are a good number of keyword suggestions - you know that keyword has a good search-ability factor on Pinterest. 


2. “Trends” feature

This works great! And you can see what keywords/ideas are trending across Pinteret’s most popular categories on a weekly basis.


3. Pinterest Reports 

Check out my blogpost on how to use Pinterest yearly report.

4. Pinterest Ads Targeting Section 

  1. Head to the ads link on the top left and hit create ad. Go through the first initial steps of creating an ad (don’t worry - you won’t publish it!). Under Ad group details >> Targeting details >> Keywords & Interests, you’ll be able to research a range of keywords.

    *Note Pinterest may change up the view a bit but the theory still works.


Where to put your keywords on Pinterest? 

Pinterest does read the text on your image in determining how to distribute your Pin in search, related Pins, and feeds. Where else might Pinterest look for these clues? Pinterest is looking for keywords on:

  • Board Names

  • Board Descriptions

  • Pin Descriptions

  • Meta data on the linked content

Don’t Keyword Stuff!

This does NOT mean that your Pin description should be a list of keywords. Write a couple of sentences enticing people to visit for more information, but include keywords naturally, putting them (as well as your most compelling copy) near the beginning of the description. Including your brand name can help increase email signups and brand awareness. 

Pinterest keyword planner

Want an extensive list of Pinterest keywords for your niche without actually having to do Pinterest keyword research? Instead, use this time for other aspects of your business. Don't miss my Pinterest keyword bank (with Airtable template)!


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